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"With Justin & Chaunna's Help We Made $21,000 in 30 Days"
- Josh & Rebekah Edwards, Clara Agency

Yes! I'm ready to STOP fighting against the dumb algorithm on social media and battling rising ad costs. I'm excited to land my first mega-influencer so I can get easier sales by leveraging THEIR credibility and massive audiences! I'm ready to begin the Growth Operator Blueprint course so I can become the person that influencers recommend to their friends and have the biggest names in social media on speed dial.

Full Pay $995


Two Pay $499


Three Pay $349


“I was able to produce over $1 million in 11 months!”

– Travis Ventrella, Kingdom Business Coach

Here's What Customers Have to Say About Our Previous Teachings...

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“Landed my first $10k client because of what I learned in Justin's courses.”

– Jay Leishman owner of

"With Justin & Chaunna's help we made $21,000 in 30 Days!"

– Josh & Rebekah Edwards owner of Clara Agency

"When you become a Growth Operator you only need to land 1 client to make your ENTIRE $995 investment back. With 10,000 leads and weekly live calls, EVERYONE has the opportunity to land at least one - maybe 3-4."

What You're Getting: LIFETIME unlimited access to the Growth Operator Blueprint course & bonuses. Expert instruction from someone who already works with multiple mega-influencers and can guide me to do the same. Plus, I'm getting access to the contracts I'll need to form these partnerships, the campaign blueprints, funnel diagrams, checklists, scripts, and everything I need to run my Growth Operating business from home.

THE MISSING PIECE TO ROOKIE SUCCESS: I will start out with a proven system for contacting influencers in a way that makes me a welcomed guest instead of an annoying pest. This system leverages human psychology in a way that allows even a rookie to open relationships with the largest influencers - GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK!

HEADSTART IN A NEW NICHE: The reason why there are no books on this subject (yet) is because I am (for once) early on this opportunity. I am getting in BEFORE all the information has been leaked, before it's all given away for free on YouTube, before there are already thousands of competitors. I have a limited time window of opportunity to have a headstart on something finally.

MONTHLY PAYCHECKS: My client's job is to send all the traffic and it's their credibility that makes the sales, but I will have to assist my client with building sales pages, connecting Stripe accounts, and setting up paid communities for them. I'll learn how to do all of this inside this Growth Operator Blueprint course. Then, I will earn 10 - 50% royalties for every sale because of the systems I helped setup for the influencer.

CREATE LITERAL BUYING FRENZIES: I have lifetime access to the Growth Operator Blueprint members area which has proven sales campaigns that have made over $4.8 million that I am allowed to clone for my clients. I can use the very same campaigns that have already made millions, instead of coming up with my own sales promotions. 

For example, the "Weekend Refill" campaign which is a 7-day email automation that has consistently made 5 figures for others. Or the widely proven Product Launch Formula that has been used by thousands of marketers for over a decade now.

NO AUDIENCE OR CLICKS NEEDED: What makes Growth Operating unique is I am leveraging other people's audiences, instead of having to build my own. I will be using THEIR massive audiences to drive all the clicks. I don't even need to use FB ads unless I want to, and even then my client will pay for the clicks not me.

EXCLUSIVE STRATEGIES NEVER SEEN BEFORE: I am getting access to swipe files of sales page tactics that are uncommon and some never seen before. This will give me an edge to open doors since my clients will have never heard of this. I can also leverage the case studies inside the membership to prove they work.

TEMPLATES, EXAMPLES, & DOCUMENTS: As I work my way through the step-by-step course, I'll have access to real world tools I can use in my own business. I'll have templates for sales pages, examples of promotional emails, contracts I can edit to put my name on, and all the other little things I need to make this business work.

WHAT TO DO IF EVERYTHING GOES WRONG: This module of the course might be the MOST IMPORTANT module in the whole course. It's an entire lesson about what things might go wrong and how to fix them.

Plus, I have access to a community of peers who are also doing this business model and a place to ask them questions anytime during the week. 

Finally, I have access to a weekly call with a mentor who is already managing sales campaigns for mega-influencers who can help me every step of the way. I can either email my questions and pages to him before the call and watch the recordings, or I can attend live to get my questions answered. This is the perfect opportunity to have an expert look over my campaigns before I publish them, so I look like a hero instead of a fool.

Now You Can Partner with Mega Influencers & Leverage Their Massive Audiences to Make Money for Your Family

Everyone Who Orders Before August 1st is Guaranteed These Bonuses


If you are not yet a member of Happily Unemployed Insider (or if your annual membership is expiring) don't worry. 

When you purchase Growth Operator Blueprint you instantly get another 365 days of access to our weekly live calls. As well as all the other training that's included like our Google Analytics course or Fiverr hiring tutorial. 

365 days of access to the community to chat with peers, accelerated customer support tickets, and weekly live calls with Justin Brooke.


You already get the "Weekend Refill" campaign diagram and example emails. 

With this workshop you'll not only learn how it works, but also how to set up the automations, and work on your own campaign live during the workshop.

This is the email campaign Justin Brooke has used to make over $1.9 million. Every time he runs it, he makes at least $20,000, and now he wants to teach it to you.

VALUE $499.00


Nothing makes an influencer look better than having their own book. Frankly, nothing is easier to sell than a book written by an influencer.

Learn every nitty gritty detail behind Justin Brooke's $2.4mil book funnel in this workshop. So, you can help your influencer clients write, publish, and sell a book like a pro.

VALUE $499.00

Only The First 100 Orders Are Guaranteed This Bonus


I hired an Internet researcher company to find the contact information, subscriber counts, and social profile links for the top influencers of 20 different niche markets.

Then I randomly checked 100 of the leads myself to insure they were the real contact details for these influencers.

It took my researcher weeks to collect all this data, enter it all into a spreadsheet, and make it all sortable for you. You'll have all of it handed to you on a silver platter (actually it's just a spreadsheet a silver platter would be weird).

How's that for making it easy for you to land your first mega-influencer? 

Surely, with 10,000 verified leads you can find at least 1 to say yes!

VALUE $2,000.00

An Offer is Only as Good as It's Guarantee

It's very simple.

If you login and for some reason hate it, you get your money back right away. You have a full 30 days to check it out and get your money back.

But that's the easy way out.

I guarantee to continue working alongside you UNTIL you profit. When you make your money back, I'll move along, but until profit - you and I are connected like brothers.


Like any rookie writer, ChatGPT is pretty piss poor at writing sales copy that ACTUALLY converts. 

But that's only if you use the common zero shot prompting method. 

There is another method called multi-shot prompting that usually only the developers of LLMs even know about. It's a back door hack that allows AI to be trained to elite levels in any style of writing, coding, or design.

If you can afford $20, download a PDF, and follow a simple checklist, then I can show you how to get AI to spit out sales copy that no one will believe was written by an AI. 

...and ACTUALLY converts.

VALUE $499.00

Here’s Your Chance To Wake Up Tomorrow
With A Proven Plan & All The Tools You Need To Start Landing Mega-Influencers

If you leave this page now, you’re going to wake up tomorrow and everything is going to be the same.

Maybe that's fine.

Maybe more of the same is exactly what you want???

Or maybe you know you need change?

When you DO invest in this system, then tomorrow will be different.

Tomorrow you’ll have a solution.

You’re going to wake up and have access to step-by-step instructions for landing your first mega-influencer. You’re going to have access to templates, contracts, campaign blueprints, and a HUGE spreadsheet of influencer contact details.

The leads alone would cost you $1,000.

Not to mention, you’ll have Justin Brooke standing side-by-side with you through the whole process with weekly live mentoring calls. He’s already landing mega-influencers and can guide you by showing you exactly what he is doing. 

If you were to hire Justin for an hour of coaching it would cost you another $1,000, but you're getting 52 hours of coaching with him for the price of one.

If & when you land even just one influencer it could make you $4,000 - $12,000 monthly royalty checks (depending on what you help them build). 

Imagine, if you landed 2 or 3 clients!

Even if all you do is land one influencer, you’ll make today's $995 investment back. 

Let’s focus on getting you the first client - fast.

Enroll in Growth Operator Blueprint course today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does the revenue share look like between influencer/growth operator? Is it any different for merch vs courses vs coaching, etc?

A: The short answer is roughly about 20%, but it is up to everyone's own ability to negotiate. It's very easy to get 10%, tougher to get 30%, and really tough to get 50%. For your first couple deals, I suggest you shoot for 10-20%. Get a few small wins under your belt and then you can start working your way up. Better to win small, than to lose it all. This is the kind of wisdom I can pass on to you during our weekly live calls.

Q: How much time is needed to gain some traction? To get your first client?

A: How long does it take you to swim across a pool? I cannot promise you any certain timelines because I don't know your skill level, knowledge level, or work ethic. Some people can swim fast, others are scared to even get in the water. I do know it'll take you longer on your own without resources, than it will inside a community of peers all working towards a common goal. It took me a couple months to land my first, now 2 years in and they are coming to me easier than ever. But I also didn't have 10,000 leads handed to me or a mentor, so should be faster for you.

Q: How do you keep from getting overwhelmed by too much work? How do you decide the scope of the projects you do for the influencer?

A: I used to get this same question when I taught ad agencies for years. The same answer applies... YOU MUST productize your services. Imagine if a restaurant allowed people to just come in and ask for whatever they want cooked. They would never know what supplies to have on hand, how to train their cooks, and how to properly price their services. In the beginning your menu should be smaller, so you don't get overwhelmed. Bruce Lee famously said "I do not fear the man that practiced 10,000 kicks 1 time, but I greatly fear the man who practiced 1 kick 10,000 times. Be great at very little and your reputation will go FAR!

A: For your first, you are going to lean on the case studies and methods we give you. The first one is the hardest one, I'll be honest. It's like pushing a car at first, it's really hard to get it moving, but with a little momentum it gets easier and easier. We will give you a case study to use, examples to use, and teach you how to win that first client. From there, you'll have your own case studies, examples, and experience to lean on. Also, we are going to show you how to lead with small wins first that are much easier to open new relationships. It's like asking for a coffee date before asking for a marriage, one is much easier to get a yes.

Q: How do I prove to the clients that I know what to do? How do I provide them a case study if I've never done this before?

A: We will give you our own editable agreement that you can use. It's a simple 2-3 page agreement that starts with the goal of the project, the work outlined, pricing outlined, and then a bunch of legal conditions that help keep you safe from getting ripped off.

Q: What do the contract terms look like and how do I structure the agreement?

A: The first defense is never work with someone you don't trust. This is why we teach inside the course to start with small projects first, open the relationship, build trust, make sure everyone is honest. Then do the bigger projects. Also, we have strong terms in the contract that help you make any legal follow up easier. We will cover this in-depth inside the course, but you can also just make sure the money flows through your accounts first. We'll show you all of this stuff inside the course.

Q: How do I make sure the client pays me on time and doesn't stiff me after I do the work?

Full Pay $995


Two Pay $499


Three Pay $349


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"When you become a Growth Operator you only need to land 1 client to make your ENTIRE $995 investment back. With 10,000 leads and weekly live calls, EVERYONE has the opportunity to land at least one - maybe 3-4."

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